Bureau Print
Design and print of PVC cards is our business. From single cards to large runs in-house. If you have a need to print any information to a PVC card, we can assist. If you need data encoded to a Smart card or any "chip" type card, including having the data encrypted and read on a portable device, we can do that for you! Student cards, Photo Identification cards, SOS emergency card, all event cards including conferences, weddings, a memorial card for a funeral, invitations, luggage and other property identification tags. Monochrome or full colour printing onto a plain white or coloured PVC card, all is available. This service can also be used for printing technology cards if for example you have access control and want to have an Employee Identification card with photo, we can do that for you! We
All of these can be supplied with card holders, badge holders, lanyards or clips for easy display. Customised lanyards with company or event information screen-printed onto the flat lanyard can be provided.